Anyone that has experienced stress can testify that it wears your body and mind out. But what happens when your lawn gets stressed? Basically, the same thing. The grass and its roots wear down.
There are several ways a lawn can become stressed. Excessive foot traffic, too much or too little sun, heat, drought, improper watering, and insufficient nutrients can all cause stress to a lawn and its roots.
When you’re at work and feel like you’re the only one doing the job, you feel walked all over. Well, too much foot traffic on a lawn feels your pain. Your patience grows thin and weak. Grass blades do the same. Areas of a lawn can weaken and thin out, allowing grass to die and weeds to take over when it is under this kind of stress. Tall fescue grass is capable of withstanding this type of abuse. It also has a slight tolerance to climate changes and drought conditions but will require more water during the summer. Limiting the amount of foot traffic on the grass will reduce any damage that causes stress.
The sun produces vitamin D in people, but too much could cause health problems including weakness. Too little vitamin D causes bones to be brittle or thin. Same goes for grass. Too much sun without enough water causes grass to weaken and turn brown. Not enough sun, called shade stress, slows down growth of the grass resulting in weak and thin areas. Shaded grass doesn’t dry out as fast which sometimes results in fungal diseases. St. Augustine is a full sun grass but tolerant of the shade while zoysia grass does well in it. Bermuda grass fairs best in direct sunlight. Fescue is also a great choice is you have a full time sun as it’s not well adapted to the extreme heat we have here in N. Texas.
Texas heat and little water is liable to give anyone a heat stroke. There is one grass type that can stand up when things heat up. Bermuda grass can survive on little water through a drought and tolerate the Texas heat at the same time. Bermuda needs less than 1.5” of water per week to maintain its green color. Tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass can also withstand heat and drought stress.
When lawns go through a drought, it causes stress to the roots. During hot Texas summers, lawns can go into what is called a summer dormancy. This is when temperatures rise above 100 degrees and drought conditions exist. Grass growth slows down and often turns brown. Don’t worry, your grass isn’t dead. This is a natural process that certain types of grass go through. You should avoid mowing during summer dormancy. It only causes more stress on the grass and too much stress will kill the roots.
While in dormancy, the grass is in a thinning and weak stage. Continuing a lawn weed and feed treatment program will still give your grass and its roots the nutrients it needs from the fertilizer. Knocking out weeds while the grass is vulnerable will help when your lawn begins to grow again. Re-seeding thin and weak areas are recommended and will boost your lawns growth.
In conclusion, our area here in north Texas is best suited for Bermuda grass. Saint Augustine is more of a costal grass.
Don’t get stressed out. Contact Safe Earth Pest Control and let us take the lawn stress out of your life. 214-321-2847
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